...the Diner patrons slow down with commenting in the springtime. Not exactly sure why.
...the hit man I hired to whack my willow tree is scheduled to come Tuesday, which is good because I think the tree knows the jig is up. An apparent suicide attempt took place during the storms this weekend and he lost one of his major branches.
...the new air-conditioner is in place and working, although we haven't needed it. In the words of the air conditioner guy: "There have been a lot of advancements in cooling technology in the last 25 years." He was right...even down to the thermostat, which glows.
...remember how much I like the phrase, "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K" (a Bill & Ted reference) to describe interesting activities where I work? Well, strange things are afoot at the Circle K again, and I'm kind of excited about what appears to be going on.
...Blades of Glory was an hour-and-a-half SNL skit that was typically Will Ferrell: 100 quotable lines based on a flimsy premise. I laughed. A lot. But don't let his silliness dissuade you from seeing Stranger Than Fiction. Brilliant movie.
...speaking of movies, due to the horrible weather, Tracy and I ordered a movie on our Verizon that was up for a bunch of Oscars: The Departed. Apparently, all you have to do these days to get a nod for Best Picture is get a bunch of stars to shoot each other and reveal a flimsy plot line over nearly 3 hours.
...that's way more movie reviews than I've ever done at the Diner. Maybe that's why people don't comment in the springtime.
...I've got to get my iChat up and running so I can see my higher-order life-liver sister Jilly's belly and begin bonding with my new niece.
...in case you were wondering why my higher-order life-liver sister Jilly isn't commenting as much lately, it's because she's going back to college to finish her degree. The Gifted One is taking some 18 years to finish a 4-year degree. But I'm glad she'll have something she can fall back on. *smiles, knowing that he'll have to work on his Ph.D. in order to stay two degrees ahead of her since this is the only area of one-upsmanship he currently holds*
...the book I ordered didn't come by UPS yesterday and I'm kinda bummed about it as I have a weekend with some good reading slots to fill.
...that I wish I was a fan of the NBA (although it might be the worst to watch of all team sports, with golf being the worst to watch of individual sports) because the Mavericks are pretty much doing what they want to with that league. We'll see about the noise they make in the playoffs, though.
...Opening Day is tomorrow. You can almost hear the anticipation in the way the earth is spinning today, with creation itself being excited.
...Tracy's car needs a new battery. It's one car repair I can actually do and it makes me feel manly to walk into an auto parts store with confidence, tell them what I need and ask all the right questions.
...new tattoos are on the radar screen. When people tell you that they're addicting, whatever you do, believe them. I didn't. I should've.
...Tracy tried this little business in our area where you go with your friends and prepare meals for your family for the next week, then you bring them home, freeze them, and enjoy them as you have time. I really like that business plan...it's social, it encourages families to eat around the table, and they even have corkscrews and glasses if you'd like to enjoy wine while you hang out with your friends and make dinners. I hope those folks do well.
...that I've got a meeting in an hour so I better hop to it.