Monday, March 05, 2007

Business Meeting

Last night our church had a business meeting. I know for a lot of churches that's a monthly, or even weekly, affair. But for our church...well, they're few and far between.

But we're realizing that the bigger we get the more we need to keep people informed. So, we did that. We had church. We had a pizza feed for everybody, and then we had a meeting.

And, there was good news in some areas & some updates on where our church is in our search for a new pastor and some staff realignment things. Kinda businessy, but stuff people need to know about.

And, I'm guessing it's rare that people come out of a business meeting with a reminder that the people you have the true privilege to serve are a group that cares about their church, cares about the people that work there, and are generally excited about the future of our body--here and around the world.

But that's what I came out of our meeting with last night.

And this makes me happy.


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