Monday, February 26, 2007

The Off Day

Mondays are valuable to me.

See, in ministry, they are the "off day" for me. I turn the cell phone off. I don't answer my home phone. I've stopped checking the e-mail.

But they turned into lazy days. I'd sleep late. I'd lounge around and think about going to the gym. I'd decide against that. I'd try to read and do that some, but eventually I'd nap. Then I'd walk around in a post-nap fog. I'd go to lunch with Kid2 (who's schooling allows for that) and/or my Smokin' Hot Photographer Wife, but I'd generally be so tired that I'd find myself having to focus more. I viewed them as recouperation and allowed this to happen.

At the first of the year, I made a lifestyle change regarding my diet. I gave up sodas & made wiser choices when I had options. Still haven't hit the gym with any consistency but planning on that in March (*crosses fingers and closes eyes*).

So, for the last few weeks, I tried something different. I'd go to bed a bit earlier than usual. I can do this because my church lets out a little earlier these days. And, I'd get up at the normal time and go through the morning routine of DMN, devotional reading of the Bible, blogging/blog checking, breakfast, Kid1 to school...

...and if the early results are any indication, this is the way to do it, man. I have more energy. Stuff gets done. Nothing really serious, mind you, but piddly stuff that should get taken care of. Books get read. Shows get watched. Lunches happen without having to force myself to pay attention. And creativity finds some short bursts.

And at the end of it all, I feel a bit more rested than I did when I slept the day away.


But good.

Gotta go...I have an entire day in front of me with no real plans and only piddly chores!


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