Thursday, March 01, 2007

Yancey, On Prayer

I'm reading a book by an author I generally like but this volume is too wordy and it's obvious he used too many research assistants that he evidently didn't want to hurt their feelings by not using their nuggets of insight. But it does have some helpful quotes here and there...or at least some things I relate to.

I found this one yesterday:

"A media-saturated culture conditions us to expect a quick-fix to every problem. Relationship problems, however, rarely lend themselves to quick and easy solutions. I have not seen, for instance, that shelves of books on 'how to save your marriage' have had any discernable effect on divorce rates. If relating to another person proves so resistant to formulaic advice, how much more does relating to God? The secret to keeping company with God will likely not be found in a new set of tapes, another book, a different preacher, a weekend seminar.

After reading scores of books and interviewing scores of people about prayer, I would expect a more noticable improvement on my own prayer life. If I invested the same energy in say, golf or learning a foreign language, I would likely see results. Still, I find that prayer involves an effort of will. Sometimes it proves rewarding, sometimes not, at least that I can detect at the time. Prayer requires faith to believe that God listens, though I have no hard evidence, and that prayers matter. Neither belief comes easy to me."

Among the many, many words of this book--I found a few where I'm not sure I could've said it better.


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