Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Lent Update

On Ash Wednesday I wrote a little entry about how our students were undertaking a Lenten observance this year. It caused a little hulaballoo in the comments, mostly from folks who'd had negative experiences in their earlier approaches to spirituality. There was also a misnomer in that folks thought it was observed only by Catholics.

So, I won't speak for my students who've come up at chatted with me about what's going on in their spiritual journey during this season as that's kind of a skewed sample. I mean, if they're telling me about it, it's probably going well.

But as for me, I can honestly say it's been a deeply meaningful time thus far.

The Thing I Gave Up has been a gentle reminder to focus on Him. The times I've set aside for what's known as "fasting" have heightened my awareness of His presence.

The sense of community of those that are participating with me has been encouraging and, as it is written, allowing "iron to sharpen iron."

My time in the Word, whether devotionally or prepping for a class, has been acutely vivid. Sometimes cutting away those things that need to be cut away, sometimes penetrating, sometimes restorative.

The only downside has been in the area of my act of worship. I haven't given that the attention I should've. We'll see how that progresses.

Maybe it has little, if anything, to do with a liturgical practice. Maybe it's just an uptick as I'm walking on this path. His path.

Either way...

...I'll take it.

Suffice to say that I'm enjoying my walk immensely these days.


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