Saturday, March 17, 2007

So, Today I'm Thinking...

...that the normal springtime slowdown in blog checking/commenting is beginning to occur.
...that the Big Dance is pretty much Big Boring at this point. Granted, I haven't watched it that much (kept up with it on ESPN highlights) but it seems like there haven't been as many upsets as in past years...only one I can think of.
...that it never ceases to amaze me how inconsiderate people are of other's time.
...that I'm leaving my cell phone on my desk when I go to meetings and in my car when I'm coffeeing/lunching with teens, and I'm not missing it one bit.
...that as much as I mind mowing my lawn, it ramps up my sermon listening, which is good.
...that my sense of "undertoad" (a reference from "The World According To Garp"--an excellent book, a lousy movie)--that sense of dread beneath apparently calm waters--level is orange. I'm not sure why.
...that as many weddings as I've performed, I'm still a sucker for them and I think I've figured out why I enjoy them so much: They seem to encapsulate all the best things about being a human in community with others--and remind me of when I went through the exact same emotions.
...that Auburn's football team will be better this fall than they were in our "disappointing" 11-2 season last year (times are good when you lose 2 games in a season and it's a disappointment) but they'll likely lose 3 games as they have road games at Florida, Arkansas, LSU. They'll win one of those but they'll lose one somewhere along the line they're supposed to win. They'll beat Bama at home, though, Saban or not.
...that we still haven't solved our stupid Mac problem when all the systems should be working.
...that I actually enjoy the cycle class I take at my health club. Maximizes the time I spend there.
...that it's nice having teenagers in the house on Saturdays. Nobody stirs until around 9AM and I have lots of time to myself.
...that I'm glad our church slows down for Spring Break--this means that for the first time since last September I'll have 5 nights in a row that I don't have to work and can come home at 5PM and just be home.
...that my reading has slowed down and I don't know if it's because I've read so many lousy "Christian" books that I can predict them after about 20 pages and/or there doesn't seem to be much better fiction out there either. I think it's time to head back to Barnes & Nobles' "classics" section.
...that all-in-all I'm pretty content with life these days. A little to busy for my tastes, but that just requires seizing moments with family and friends rather than just waiting on 'em.
...that my DVR really has revolutionized the way I watch television.
...and speaking of television: It looks like Grey's Anatomy is in the early stages of "jumping the shark" with all the pat story lines. Why do good shows wind up falling back on having their characters start sleeping around to create interest? Especially a show with the endless storylines a hospital can give you.
...that my daughters have started baking cookies, which is NOT good for healthy eating habits, especially since they're good at it.
...that when you observe Lent for the first time since you were 12 you are acutely aware of the offerings restaurants have on Fridays when you never really noticed so many seafood-based menu items in the springtimes before you observed Lent.
....that I should get on with my day if I want to get to the gym and mow and still get to the wedding on time!


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