Friday, March 23, 2007

A Couple of Spring Break Conversations I've Had

Me: "So, you believe that Jesus Christ was a historical person, like George Washington?"
Teen: "Sure. That's really kinda obvious."
Me: "So, you believe that he was killed on a cross, pretty much like it happened in The Passion?"
Teen: "Sure. I'm not sure that the Bible got all those details exactly as they happened like a history book. Times were different then. But I'd bet the gist of the story's there. A great teacher, maybe even a prophet or whatever, was in Jerusalem during that feast and said he was God. Sure, the religious people in charge would make an example out of him. It was probably a lot like The Passion."
Me: "So, the Bible says some women went to the tomb and discovered that Jesus wasn't there. They were told that Christ was alive. That he was raised from the dead."
Teen: "Yeah. That's where the story gets a little fuzzy for me."

Me: "Would you agree with me that how people see themselves affects how they act? You know, like a person who sees themself as a guitar player might pull out a pick when they reach in their pocket to get their keys or loose change. Or maybe somebody who sees themself as a writer would read a lot in public. If they saw themself as a football player they would go to a lot of games and lift weights. Or even somebody who saw themself as a student would go to school, do their homework, study...stuff like that."
Teen: "Yeah. I see that in my friends, too. They'll join some new club or group and change a little. Especially if they get a new boyfriend or girlfriend. They just totally change. But, I'm following what you're saying, though. So, you're saying that if people saw themselves as followers of Christ that it would change their behavior?"
Me: "Exactly."
Teen: "If you're asking me, not many people who say they follow Christ really see themselves as followers of Christ, then."

Sometimes, I wish I had some sort of recording device to let you in on my days at work.


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