So, Kristen wants me to do this little quiz. She even called me a good sport, so I'm guessing that I can't let that combination of adjectives get away from me. Here goes:
1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. - On the 18th page, the 4th line says: "McBride once accompanied Oswald to his apartment, and there Lee 'seemed quite proud' to have library copies of Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto."
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What can you touch? Nothing. I'm in my recliner in the den. If I really stretched far left I could touch the red chair.
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV? The Rangers baseball game last night when they hit a home run in the bottom of the 9th to beat Oakland.
4. Without looking, guess what time it is. 6:20 A.M.
5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 6:27 a.m.
6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? The ceiling fan in the kitchen, and the air conditioner just kicked on.
7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing? This morning. Taking Lloyd for his morning constitutional and picking up the newspaper.
8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at? The Dallas Morning News.
9. What are you wearing? Long pajama pants and a 2x t-shirt.
10. Did you dream last night? I've been told we always dream, but I don't remember what it was.
11. When did you last laugh? With Tracy and Shelby as they were watching this TV show called "So You Think You Can Dance?" What's apparent (and funny) is that there are people all over America who think they can dance that can't.
12. What is on the walls of the room you are in? I'm color blind, but it's some kind of light-rust color.
13. Seen anything weird lately? Yesterday, I was picking up my daughter from a swim party to celebrate the end of school, and in the neighborhood there were some high schoolers who must've been waiting in a driveway for their parents...and they were cheering like crazy at every car who drove by. It was definitely surreal to be being cheered on while driving the speed limit through a neighborhood...but I honked and waved back.
14. What do you think of this quiz? Whatever, man.
15. What is the last film you saw? Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy.
16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? A newer house, but not necessarily a bigger one. A beach house in Gulf Shores and a condo in Colorado somewhere so I can ski in the winter.
17. Tell me something about you that I don’t know. I truly fear snakes and dentists. My new dentist is really good but I still don't like people's fingers in my mouth.
18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? The mindset people have about followers of Christ, which would require that such folks actually follow Him earnestly and with passion.
19. Do you like to dance? Absolutely NOT. I loathe it.
20. George Bush: Struggling.
21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? I have two, but if I were to have another, her name would've been Sydney Alainna. With her last initial, we could've called her "Sam."
22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? Brooks (after the greatest third baseman of all time, Brooks Robinson) August (after the philosopher Francis August Schaeffer). With his last initial, we could've called him "Bam-Bam."
23. Would you ever consider living abroad? Only in a place where English could get me by, but most definitely.
24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gate? Well-done, good and faithful servant.
25. Four or Five people who must also do this quiz in THEIR journal: Nathan, Joye, Lori & Mish.
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