Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Breaking Fire Codes

Many of you might not have noticed because of the excellent service our staff routinely gives, but The Diner was more crowded yesterday than ever before...with readership at four times larger (not counting reloads or returning customers) than normal. Funny, we didn't put a sign outside advertising any new specials.

And conversations were breaking out on all sorts of subjects: My daughter made a friendly wager with Hal regarding the longevity of musicians, Mike got left off the best friend list inadvertantly (and several others will be letting me know today I'm sure), and Bill & Dustin are already into "entropy" and Hume. I like when Dustin goes on breaks from teaching at Michigan because he has more time to stop by.

And those were just the comments.

So, we're here to serve the coffee and social-minded among you...but if there's a line outside or you have to wait a big longer for service, bear with us. We're here to serve.

And we appreciate your patronage.


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