Monday, October 31, 2005


I'm wondering if you can be authentically punk rock if you got your Dr. Martens at the mall.

I'm wondering if you can be authentically punk rock if you own a minivan and live in the 'burbs.

I'm wondering if you can be authentically punk rock if you had Starbucks first thing this morning.

I'm wondering if you can be authentically punk rock if you're planning on taking a nap so you won't be too tired the day after the punk rock show you're going to see tonight.

I'm wondering if you can be authentically punk rock and blog.

Frankly, I don't really know if I was ever authentically punk rock.

But I can say that I was into punk rock and loved it before it was mainstream.

And I'm going to the punk rock show tonight regardless. Now if you'll excuse me, the storms rolling in should give me optimum napping conditions...


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