Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Funk Continues

There are drawbacks to transparency in a public forum, I suppose.

I guess when you're a pastor at a large church with a "closet" readership (I really didn't know how many people from my congregation read this thing daily) that generally doesn't comment but faithfully reads should expect advice.

And I've gotten it, too. Everything from "just suck it up" to "read this verse" to "hang out with your teens" to "hang out with your children" to "make out with your wife"...well...suffice to say that if everyone who had started a sentence with "I wouldn't want to write this in the "comments" but..." had actually put it in the comments it might've been one of the best days Haloscan ever had.

I appreciate all your efforts. I truly do. I've even gotten phone calls from old friends who read.

I feel this sense of dread I simply can't explain to you adequately. Writer John Irving called it "The Undertoad"--this sense of lurking dread that you can't see but you almost know is out there waiting to pull you under. Maybe it's a mid-life crisis...but it seems a bit too early for that for some reason.

All I can tell you is that it seems like my brain is channeling Eeyore, Johnny Rotten, and Edgar Allen Poe at the moment.

To quote Dr. Suess again, "Sometimes you'll play lonely games too. And they're games you can't win because you play against you."

Thanks again for your concern...but I think I gotta fight through this with just me and God, but don't be afraid to comment with help, either. I maintain that'd be a great set of comments!


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