Friday, May 20, 2005

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

The public school sessions in our community are grinding to a halt. The mid-August starts are yielding to the late May stopping point.

And our little community is responding in kind.

Season-ending tournaments are happening for sports. Yearbooks are now out. Proms are over. Recitals for dance are on the horizon. Students are driving with their windows down and the appropriately full-volume music tends to be more celebratory (apparently Funk is back, baby, if our teens are any indication). Splashes are heard in neighborhood pools. Finals notices are posted on the school signs.

And my little house is responding in kind.

The last checks have been written to the school lunchroom. Field trips are aplenty. Tales of movies in class abound. Tracy's senior photo sessions have ceased...and weddings are ramping up a bit. Softball has one day left. Dance rehearsal is getting intense. Bed times are getting lax. Music is a little more full-volume (although Funk hasn't hit my house's still a steady diet of Thousand Foot Krutch, Switchfoot and, oddly, Jo Dee Messina). Finals notices are being pretty much ignored. We're coasting.

I need a new grill, but other than that, I'm feelin' it. It's official. I'm mentally ready for summer...which coincides nicely with a Texas summer-like high today of 95, and, our very first official Ozone Alert Day (orange), which I will resoundly ignore by doing yardwork when I get home since it stays daylight til 8:30.

Bring it on.


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