Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Death of Blogs?

While flipping through the CBC copy of Christianity Today magazine, I ran across an article entitled The Death of Blogs, by Ted Olsen. As someone who has blogged pretty much daily since the inception of The Diner over 4 years ago, many of you might understand why I might stop down and give it a thorough reading. I mean, if it's "dead," why would I be "alive" to it?

They author starts by saying that twice as many people have given up blogging than are "active" in blogging. I liked the quote by Daryl Plummer on why so many people start & then stop writing blogs: "Everyone thinks they have something to say, until they're put on stage and asked to say it."

Anyway, the article also says that 3 million new blogs are launched every month (granted the title of the article is designed to provoke) it can't really be dead, right?

Another quote,this one by Michael Parsons: "Good bloggers work like dogs. You can't expect readers to show up unless you show up. And the internet never closes."

But one that really got me...especially since I've been giving SERIOUS thought to shutting The Diner down:

"But some of us can't help ourselves. Nearly as common as the abandoned blog is the 'final comments before I reclaim my life' post. Followed by 'an update to something I said in my final comments.' And, 'Well, I couldn't let this story go by.' And so it goes."

Well, folks...that's kind of me, I think.

I like to think I'm a good blogger and work like a dog (although, if ya'll could see Lloyd, that might not be too much of a compliment). I show up. And I kind of expect about 200 of you to show up each and every day. The Diner's always open.

And I suspect it will be for a while...

...even if the temptation to shut it down seems great at the moment...

...because I know that I'd have a 'final comments' post.

...followed by an 'update' post.

...followed by regular blogging again soon.

And, truth be told...I kind of like our little "Cheers" hang-out thing we've got going here. So, even though this Diner is (at best) a break-even proposition...

...I think I'll keep 'er open.

So it goes.

*turns the sign on the door to "YES, WE'RE OPEN," turns on the lights, brews the coffee, and waits.*


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