Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Hey Everybody...It's My Father-In-Law's Birthday!

It's Murray the Retiree's birthday today! So let's all celebrate by...

...getting in on the ground floor of computer technology when "computers were as big as your kitchen, had punch cards to make them function, and performed six functions per minute" and then staying up with the progressions for nearly 30 years, which would make you a highly sought-after commodity for most of those years.
...going to coffee with your cronies at the McDonalds and shooting the breeze.
...puttering around the house.
...spending as much time as you can with family and friends.
...upgrading all of our gadgets as soon as you can after the technology upgrades.
...attending just about every single thing that you can that involves your grandkids. This involves a series of little league games, middle school football, dance recitals, art gallery showings, and gymnastics meets--no matter how long or short the drive or length of the event.

Happy birthday, Murray!


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