Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Hey Everybody! It's My Wife's Birthday!

My Smokin' Hot Shutterbug Trophy Wife Tracy is having a birthday today, too (her dad says it was the best birthday present he ever got--which gives us very little incentive to try and top it, frankly)! So, let's all celebrate by...

...becoming more beautiful each and every minute.
...having more talent in our pinky fingers than most people ever experience.
...making two snacks available around your house 24/7: Blue Bell French Vanilla ice cream & Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
...being the kind of wife that makes the choice to put up with her slug of a husband and, at the very least making it look as if she kind of enjoys the relationship after nearly two decades of this.
...being the kind of mom that turns out kids like Kid1 & Kid2, who are full of life, full of love, full of joy, full of art, full of inspiration. Kids don't turn out that way by accident and I rarely add to that mix where her cup overflows with the things that really matter.
...enjoying music from your high school years AND the stuff your kids listen to.
...starting a business and never losing money doing it--and if you're an entrepreneur you know how difficult that is.
...easing into our day without much chatter and letting the "Good Morning, Texas" type of people do that for you.
...avoiding being the nagging mom & wife. Those things on that "YouTube" mom rattling off the stuff that moms say every day? Yeah, my wife realizes that those of us who had moms that said those things that way truly resented that nagging. For years.
...figuring out the logistics of day-to-day warp speed life and making it look easy.
...playing Snood.
...enjoying a talented wine.
...eating Dove's dark chocolate.
...being the true joy of my days & making your husband happy just by walking into a room.

Happy birthday, Tracy! I love you!


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