Sunday, July 22, 2007


Read this yesterday, by Luci Shaw. It regards art & creativity:

"If the gospel is foundational, out of it will naturally flow an art that does not deny its foundation but assumes it. If it is a given, we do not need to be reminded of its existence at every point. If our lives are centered in God's reality, we can risk working out from that center in new directions, each of which may hold the excitement of a fresh adventure.

And, if the work of art truly reflects life experience, then it is itself a small facet of the truth of which Christ is author and communicator. This is the benison of the sacremental view of life: our realization that all of creation rightly belongs in the house of faith. Put another way, the Logos, which first called the universe into being, now embraces and defines it, assigning meaning and value at every level. As C.S. Lewis said, "I believe in Christianity as I believe the Sun has risen not only because I see it, but because I see everything else."

It is in the complex fabric of natural and human life that God shines more clearly than in any abstract or dogmatic theological statement about him."

As you can tell...I'm thinking about the role of art and creativity in the discipleship process. Have at it, folks.


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