Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Deathly Hallows

Kid1 finished the 7th and final installment of the Harry Potter book series by 4PM in the afternoon yesterday...after grabbing the 759 page tome and starting around 1AM. There were naps.

And there were the requisite news stories showing the lucky little girl who was first in line at the local bookstore jumping up and down. The papers carried interviews and described the action.

Now, I'm not much for fantasy fiction and haven't read the first word of any of Ms. Rowling's works.

Folks, all this is about a book.

A book.

And I think it's a good sign when a book can cause that kind of commotion. It sure beats the heck out of the commotion of a soccer player way past his prime and his one-hit wonder pop star wife moving to California. I'll take the hype about reading any day.


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