Thursday, May 03, 2007

Jumbled Today

Having workers in your house gets on everybody's nerves after a while. But it looks like the light at the end of the tunnel is on and we'll have two functioning bathrooms by tomorrow morning.

The Rangers baseball game was rained out yesterday. Since the visiting Yankees won't be back in Arlington this season, they're playing a 1-ticket doubleheader. That means two games for the price of one. A day game at 2 and a night game at 7. I'm oh-so-tempted, man. And if I weren't so swamped at work, today'd be the perfect blow-off day.

I thought this was pretty insightful from today's Non Sequiter comic:

I'm wishing that college finals would come to an end because they tend to drop off the blog map once they get into that studying mode. They still Facebook and MySpace...but, to me, it's not the same.

I'm reading a classic study on American democracy just to get out of the reading ruts I'm in and it's very enjoyable. One of the points the author made was regarding how you could tell a lot about the various states based on their historical origins. For example, one of the reasons the southern states were focused on manners & entertaining was because they used slave labor, which gave them time for such pursuits. Another was that the upper-class that came from Europe stayed in the northeast, which is why such a focus was placed on excellent universities. Things like that (and I trust you'll understand I have greatly simplified the observations for this venue) I wondered what that line of thought would do if it were extended to individual churches. Or families. Or if it even works on those levels.

I'm not stressing yet over preaching the sermon in Big Church. I'm actually looking forward to it. We'll see if I'm singing that same tune NEXT Thursday.

Thanks to Hal for reminding me to fix The Diner description. Apparently, I'd misspelled "Bostonians" and it had been that way for nearly a year. Listen, readers: If you've got observations like that, it would behoove you to be a bit more vigilant and diligent to notify the management ASAP.

It's weird thinking about Mother's Day this time around. The first one without Charlotte the Scar.

I'm working on a three week series for The Diner, which is why my thoughts are all over the map today. I'll fill you in on it tomorrow as it should kick off on May 6 and before I get too far down that road, I'll want some feedback as to whether or not it's a worthwhile project.

I'd better get going. I have exactly one ton of things to do today.


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