Wednesday, January 17, 2007

1st Quote of 2007

Yes. My reading has been slowed.

A lot. We've been wicked busy at work as of late. Good busy. But busy nonetheless.

I feel stupider.

But, I've picked up a book by Rick McKinley, the pastor of Imago Dei in Portland (and their podcasts are a "must subscribe/listen" if you're asking--I'm drawn to his style and delivery of Truth) entitled This Beautiful Mess and he's got a quote that provoked me a bit. The context is that he was going through a touch-and-go health situation with his young son and how Christians responded to him:

"Somehow Christians have a hard time saying things like, 'I don't know why the hell this is happening or how this will end. You guys must be scared to death.' I guess we all need to be able to explain life down to every last detail even when the answers don't mean anything to us. We just can't stand the questions. But in the kingdom of God, I have come to believe, it is all right not to have all the answers, and I think Jesus likes it even more when we don't make up ones that are safe and easy but hollow."

Have at it, patrons. Now I have to get more hot chocolate ready and stoke the fire as I'm sure business'll be up in The Diner today with all your cabin fever and needing a place to hang out on a cold day.


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