Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Culture Wars?

I kick around a lot these days trying to grow-ups to see the fundamental shifts in teenager's thinking and how that will (and does now, actually) affect the church over the next 10 years or so. I win some. I lose some. Others just nod and smile politely. It's a nice little world I live in.

But last night I saw a news broadcaster mention something about "fundamentalists losing another battle in the culture war." Or, maybe they were winning the battle. I'm not sure. Me and my dog Lloyd, who is terribly unconcerned with this culture war, were dozing off.

Either way, it bothers me that there is a percieved "war" over culture going on. It bothers me that militant liberals are trying to keep kids from passing out candy canes with Bible verse attached to them and it bothers me that militant evangelicals are passing them out. It bothers me that some chain department store replaces the word "Christmas" with "Holiday" and it bothers me that preachers go on TV and bash those chain department stores. It bothers me that abortion clinics exist and it bothers me that people break the law (everything from arrest-driven protests to bombings) to try to get them to cease. I could go on and on.

I guess I'm "Switzerland" when it comes to this culture war.

Anyway, I couldn't put my finger on the tension.

But today, I think I did in a syndicated article by William McKenzie. You can get it by going to www.dallasnews.com, then going to "opinion" and then clicking "columnists" and then finding his name. I'd link to it but I'm blogging on my wife's Mac G4 which blogger doesn't support.

Anyway, here's a few quotes that should get us thinking today. The article is headlined "Light and Darkness."

(after talking about Falwell and Bill O'Reilly being so publically vocal about "taking the Christ out of Christmas"...even blaming president Bush for sending out "holiday cards")

"I understand their point. We shouldn't ignore the spiritual reason for the season. But they seem to forget the season is not all about purity on earth. Instead, it offers a wonderful metaphor for Christian living. If you look closely, Christmas is about the sacred and the secular living alongside each other."

Another one:

"(Falwell, O'Reilly, et al)...want to save society so they, in turn, can save individuals from destruction. The problem is, no amount of society-saving will radically change humans because, well, sin stains us all. And it will until Christ comes again. At least, that's what Christian theology teaches. So, it beats me how today's triumphalists think they can save us from ruin if they put Christ back in Christmas or get rid of abortion clinics or get everyone praying in schools."

So...back to teenagers and how they think and the "emergent" church...

It's about engaging the culture. We should be equally as concerned about the damage and image those like Falwell and others of his ilk do to the image of those who love Christ and walk with Him and want to influence their little corner of the world as we are, oh, I dunno, pornography on the internet or whatever. And we aren't.

I'm pretty comfy with my "Switzerland" approach to this culture war.
I'm pretty comfy with love, joy, and peace.
I'm pretty comfy with letting God be God and living in hope of Christ's return.
I'm pretty comfy with loving God and my neighbor.

And letting it go at those things...I mean, if I can master those things, then maybe I'll enlist in in the war to triumph over culture. And I think I speak for Lloyd, too.


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