Sunday, February 06, 2005

Random Super Sunday Thought

Our church has four identical services each and every Sunday in order to accommodate the number of people who attend. Two of those services are in the morning, and two are in the evening...with corresponding Sunday School classes. The idea is that every family will choose the morning or evening "block" to attend.

This works well on about 48 Sundays per year.

If history is any indication, this Sunday at CBC will involve an overflowing morning "block" and a lightly attended evening session, with the 6:30PM service being more a small group. Unlike the First Springfield Church on The Simpson's, which has a sign out front that reads, "First Springfield Church: Where Every Sunday is Super Sunday."

The student ministry just punts and has a Super Bowl party since the first year we tried class nobody came and someone else had a party they all attended.

And I was thinking today that the July 4 celebration is a celebration of the IDEALS of America and Super Bowl Sunday is a celebration of the REALITY of America. Your thoughts?


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