Monday, September 06, 2004

Labor Day

With all due respect to my neo-hippie pierced and tatooed friend Kristen, who, in her blog mentioned that everyone should take a true "labor day" holiday. The idea is that those hourly-wage employee folks wouldn't have to work, either. You know, the guy at the cleaners, your barista at the coffee shop, the guitar shop tech...whoever. That we all take a day off.

It's a nice idea, I suppose. One of the reasons I dig her is her passion and grass-roots mindset. I mean, it's hard not to like the idea of helping the "little guy" get a break from The Man. In fact, I was drawn to the idea and want to partake in her call to arms.

Now, I'm in a quandry. Some friends have recommended the movie Garden State. It's raining. I've got some free time. It isn't really a "Labor Day" for me, normal day off is Monday. But if I go to the movie theatre, I'm supporting the hourly wage teenagers and various managers who all have to be there to pop the popcorn and get the sodas.

If anybody could help me justify this to Kristen, I'd appreciate it. I really don't want to disappoint her. But I really want to see this movie.


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