Thursday, December 20, 2007

Yes...I Think That Would Be Best

In case you missed it, the publishing of Lynn Spears' parenting book has been postponed. "Who is Lynn Spears," you ask?

Mother of Jamie Lynn Spears...who, in case you didn't know, is the star of Nickelodeon's Zoey 101, and she became pregnant at age 16. The father is 19. This little nugget was her response, "It was a shock for both of us. So unexpected. I was in complete and total shock and so was he." Hmmm. It's basic birds-and-bees, sweetie.

Mother of Britney Spears...well, that's been plenty chronicled.

And, listen. I'm not against writing books from positions of weakness. I mean, there's lots of wisdom learned from making mistakes and communicating that to others (David taught Solomon the dangers of adultery, for example)...but you have to be on "the other side" of those things. It takes time to learn the lesson and glean wisdom. So, it's probably wise that Thomas Nelson Publishers delay this book a bit, huh?

But it did start my brain thinking about what other books we could see postponed...

No Shortcuts: The Complete Training Guide To Baseball Success & Career Longevity, by Jose Canseco, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemons & Andy Pettite (with side notes authored by everyone listed in the Mitchell Report).
The Virtue of Chastity & Modesty by Tara Reid & Paris Hilton.
Why America Watches Singing and Dancing Contests More Than Anything Else by the programming directors of every major network.
Way Above Soundbites & Celebrity Endorsements: Bringing Deep Political Discourse Back To America by every 2008 presidential candidate.

...I could go on...

...but this is too good to keep all to myself.

Have at it, patrons. Have at it.


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