Friday, November 16, 2007

Elder Board

Our church's governing body meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month to discuss "business." It's actually an open meeting and anyone in our church can attend...but nobody ever takes us up on that reality.

But it's nice to go to a meeting where, yes...

is discussed. There are budgets and line-items and agreements and explanations of action plans and "macro" versus "micro" and strategic imperatives and all sorts of other buzzwords that adorn any other meeting of similar nature in any other business of unsimilar nature. Meetings are meetings, man.

And that "business" is evaluated in light of the reality that...'s being a part of the work that God is doing right here, right now and that He has chosen us to be good stewards to that work...

...and that lives being changed for His glory comes up a lot...

...and that we "get" the idea that when you trudge through this life there will be some muddy stuff. People get horribly sick, others die, crimes happen, fellowships get broken, families get affected, bills don't get paid, etc., etc., ad infinitum ad nauseum...

but to have a normal business practice be a group of spiritual folks admit that those things are bigger than us, that a personal, loving God is in control and to watch them depend upon Him for guidance and answers...

...or to respond in thankfulness for His provision and/or response or other joyful happenstances...

is pretty nifty all-in-all.

And sometimes I don't think I'm grateful enough for the foks in that room who serve us in that way.

And sometimes I don't think our congregation knows how blessed we are by their service.

So, today, I thought I'd let you know.

Even if the meetings run until 11PM.



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