Saturday, October 27, 2007

NaNoWriMo Update

Well, it's official:

I'm doing a modified NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writer's Month) participation. For the uninitiated, NaNoWriMo is an organized effort to get all those people who say they want to write a novel to write a novel. In a month. It doesn't have to be good. It just has to be written in a month. You sign up. You get friends involved. You just do it. I think that's a great thing, really. How can you argue with something like that?

But, I've come to some conclusions.

First of all, the reality that it's time to start talking about it and write a book. Any book.

Secondly, that what I want to write doesn't involve a novel so much. This is something that takes the "no" out of NaNoWriMo. I mean, I can take part in something national. I can write. I can take a month to do it. But it's the "novel" part that doesn't currently interest me much. And, from what I gather, all four syllables are important to this bunch.

Third, that I'm going to use The Diner time to do it.


Beginning on Thursday, November 1, The McKinney Diner will only be posting sporadically. My hope is that we'll go with Saturday updates for sure, and maybe a time or two during the week. But I can't imagine putting creativity energy into both projects without hurting the quality of both. So, the only logical conclusion is that we'll just open The Diner when I feel like it...and I don't know when that'll be.

But I felt like I needed to give you the "heads up" on this because some of you have threatened riots in the streets for shutting down...which really only encouraged me to shut it down because I don't think the FloMo P.D. has a riot squad on-hand and it'd be cool to see them have to squelch a bunch of suburbanites rioting. My guess is that the entire clash would have the punch of a pillowfight.

At any rate, just letting you know...

...I'm working on a book in November...

...and giving patrons fair warning...


Right now.


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