Thursday, March 16, 2006

Waiting Room Reading

Took my mom to get various tests run yesterday. I took my backpack full of magazines and books...I know the waiting room drill.

Came across this from Dan Haseltine (in the band Jars of Clay) in Relevant Magazine:

"When we find the Gospel to be true and start to wrestle with the implications, it eventually brings us to a place where we must confront our humanity and know ourselves as botht he walking wounded and the perpetually healed.

In our church culture there are behavioral codes set in place to give the appearance of victory. There are things that church people cannot talk about. There are activities that church people do not engage in. There are places we do not hang out, girls we do not call, hotel rooms where things do not happen, computers that do not show destructive images, relationships that are not failing, abuses that are not stealing joy. There is not a darkness or a shadow to speak of.

But these things are, in some fashion a part of every church person's life. Because we have chosen to speak only about the victory from these things, we are left to promote a gospel that is feeble and moveable at best, rather than one made of stone--one strong enough to withstand the weight of the world and the depravity that is based upon its surface. Our gospel is unbelievable because it is only half a gospel. It is the resurrection without any signs of the crucifixion. I believe there are profound reasons why Jesus carried the scars from the nails on His hands when He appeared to His friends. He was bringing the entire Gospel to His disicples."

That do anything for ya?


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