Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Little Things

It seemed like yesterday was about the "little things."

Like, I played hide-and-seek with my neice who is at the perfect hide-and-seek age. I blew up latex gloves and either made balloons out of them or let them go higgledy piggledy around the room. She told me what was funny and what wasn't. It was time well spent.

Like, we got my mom's high school yearbook out. This sparked all kinds of conversation between my mom & my daughters. For instance:

Mom: "That picture of me in my cheerleader outfit was the only picture that mattered to me. It was all I ever wanted out of high school...for my friends to vote me onto that team."

Kelsey (laughing): "Way to set your goals high there, Grammer."

Mom (laughing, too): "Well, Kelsey, my friends didn't vote me 'Most Likely To Succeed.' My goals were realistic." (now I'm laughing)

Grammer told stories of her high school days, which, truth be told, she romanticizes anyway. The girls interacted with her and made comments about things like ads in the back and how their life is different. It was time well spent.

Like, Tracy was able to track down a place for my dance-a-holic daughter Shelby to work out and train while in town. The Alabama Ballet worked out a two-day deal so I drove her there. It happened to be the 2nd Tuesday Open House yesterday, which is where the community can come in, see a preview of upcoming ballets, and hear the director talk about nuances and such. The dancers and parents can ask's a pretty cool deal.

However, at the beginning, there's a mixer complete with wine & cheese, fruit, sodas, candy...the whole deal. You can interact with the staff and all that. The community is invited. The ballet they were previewing was Spanish, and the wine served was some impressive Spanish "cab" (I've been hanging out with my wife and sister enough to grab some lingo along the way--I can't use it correctly in a sentence I don't think, but I've heard the words). It was time well spent.

Like, sometimes you can have very enjoyable conversation with your brother-in-law and sister-in-law over pizza. Lots of years together and it feels a lot like family...even if it's nothing overly special. Just chat about family life and kids in school and all that. It was time well spent.

I think life is a lot about the little things...and spending the time well.


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