Saturday, November 26, 2005


I'm reading a book right now that puts into words the way I have felt about the church, and the Church, for quite some time now. That feeling has left me with two primary feelings:

The first feeling: "Why do I see this so clearly and no one else seems to be terribly bothered by it?"

The second: "The future of the church is going to require those of us in leadership (both in office and practice) to be proactive and begin doing something NOW to serve our church, and our Church, for the future generations."

The book is titled "Revolution." It's by George Barna--the research expert on the church. It's nice to know that I'm officially not alone in these feelings--even though in my own circles I get raised eyebrows a good deal--and it's equally nice to know that the book actually develops truly constructive criticism rather than the deconstructionist notions about church, and Church, so prevalent in books these days.

I'll fill you in with greater detail once I have some time to process it, and I'll load quotes on my CBC Student Ministry web page soon, too.

The book really is an easy read, but insightful and provocative.


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