Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Is It Me?

Last night, right before the teens in our middle school program started arriving, I went into the youth room and couldn't find the leaders. But the office door was closed so I figured they were in there.

So, I open the door and find that Nathan and Wes in front of the office computer watching the movie TRAILER for the latest STAR WARS installment.

Granted, I think I'm the only person on the planet who didn't "get" Star Wars (or Lord of the Rings, for that matter) but I'm not sure what to make of this.

Nathan and Wes seem pretty confident that this behavior is not only normal, but also societally accepted and relatively exciting.

I can't think of any movie that I'd get jacked to track down the trailer on the internet. If anyone can explain this behavior to me I'd be indebted to them.


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