Saturday, March 12, 2005

Some Days...

I'm not sleeping well this week.
I've got a recently-developed mouth ulcer.
My sinuses have an odd pressure thing happening, which is making me question the effectiveness of my superior antibodies.
At work lately, nothing gets crossed off my to-do list and by the time the day is over I've added 3 or 5 items to it.
I feel like I'm not spending enough time with my students building relationships.
I feel like I'm not being effective in helping my students have authentic walks with God, either.
My grass needs mowing and I should change the oil in the mower.
I missed a workout at the gym so I really should go today.
My friends' softball team didn't play well last night and lost.
My stack of books went from nothing in it to five in it in one day.
I had a major answer to a prayer for our student ministry yesterday and all I could think of was how much work it would involve to get it all installed.
God feels a bajillion miles away at present.

As you can see, there's a major focus on the negative. I need to check my head and get my "head right with ball" (coachspeak for "get it together") or as my endearingly neurotic but effervescent friend
Katherine would say, "I've got to rally."

But I don't feel like rallying.

I feel like Alexander in "The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" when he says, "My mom says some days are like that." And then you just gotta deal with it...


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