Monday, March 14, 2005

Good Morning, America! Translates Teens

Since I'm blogging later than usual, my wife, as part of her daily on-ramp to her interstate of a day, has morning network programming on in the room I blog in. My daily on-ramp involves quiet and books. Hey, to each their own, right?

Anyway, Good Morning, America! was doing a segment on advising parent on how to establish repore with your teenager. There was surprisingly good advice for parents (like don't jump to conclusions based on appearances of their friends, don't say things like "back in my day" or "it's no big deal," etc.) Turns out, they were promoting a book written by two teenager called "Breaking The Code" and they actually let them talk, and it turned out pretty helpful.

What got me was the attitude of the hosts. Diane Sawyer, in a pre-commercial promo to get us to come back after the break, actually said listening to teenagers was like listening to Swahili. (As if that's not demeaning enough)

Charlie Gibson, the other host, said, "One thing on the list of difficult things of being a parent of teenagers--and the list is LONG, hehehehe--..."

Maybe I should become the condescending host of a show that would help "us" translate "grown-up business jargon."

Don't grown ups use stupid phrases like, "Hey, Bob. How's the "go" going for ya? At work, we've had a shift in the paradigm and my CEO is giving me some pushback on my TPS reports. And don't get me started with the issues I have with the guys in the I.T. sector. One more thing, Bob. Didja catch the Cowboys game? When are we gonna get a quarterback? Well, gotta scoot, Bob. Gotta get back to the grind and put food on the fam's table. hehehehe."

Maybe that's my ticket to fame and a show that ridicules and mocks the station in life grown-ups are in.


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