Saturday, January 01, 2011

In Today's Dallas Morning News...

This, from a woman in Juarez, Mexico who runs a roadside lunch cart and has to pay $60 a week to drug cartels for "protection":

"In the end, organized crime has proven to be very organized and more visionary than the government itself. We wanted democracy and voted for that, and look what we got: criminals who scare everyone off, from cops to politicians to citizens. How can we ever change that? Do we even stand a chance?"



Blogger Schweers' Mom said...

What was interesting was the prior day's article about gun control in Mexico. The article said that Mexico has ONE gun store in Mexico City. That's it. And it's practically impossible to get a gun there. Seems to me like their idea of gun control ain't workin' out.

8:14 PM  
Blogger Ian said...

Geez, man. What MUST happen for the cycle to be broken is this:

The criminal element must be enirely eradicated by both an intolerant general public - that is willing to risk death for a chance at freedom from crime - and an uncorrupted authority system willing to do whatever is necessary - including kill - to enforce the law.

Unfortunately, neither of these elements seem to exist in sufficient quantities.

Here's to hoping the authorities in our border states have the stones to keep their citizens safe(r), and that our government won't hang them out to dry.

I don't want to hijack Brent's thread, but, to put it simply, Schweers's Mom has a valid point: gun control laws don't work because criminals - by definition - disregard the laws. One need look no further than Washington DC, Detroit, Chicago, and New York.

-Ian Scott

11:46 PM  

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