Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I'm Not Even The Gifted Child

I have no idea what started this.

I mean, I listen to former students chat away about finals and papers and study plans and just feel the tension rising in my shoulders listening to them talk about it.

It's been a decade since I've been in that arena.

My wife says I have to write a book, any book, before I get into it.

But I'm giving serious thought to working on getting one of these.

I wouldn't start until 2009.

But really...

Who am I becoming and why would this appeal to someone who actually hooked up Bunsen Burners to the water fountain because they enjoyed their own experiments more than the ones the teacher suggested? Or to someone who put Icy Hot on all the typewriter keys in his class (except his own, which immediately fingered the guilty party) before class?

Maybe it's the Texas heat getting to me. We can already feel it coming with yesterday's 87 degrees.


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