Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Stuff I Learned Yesterday

That sometimes, we have little idea just how powerful our words are. It reminded me of that line from a song by Kimya Dawson on the Juno soundtrack that says, "I'll ask you what you think because your thoughts and words are powerful."

That sometimes, the most loving thing you can do doesn't always appear or necessarily feel like it's the most loving thing you can do. This applies to both the person doing the loving thing and the person who is listening to the loving thing.

That sometimes, you think somebody's telling you the truth but you aren't exactly sure because they have a million different reasons for not wanting to tell you the truth.

That sometimes, in Texas the weather can drop from 83 to 33 in about four hours.

That sometimes, cheerleaders don't always want their team to win. They might be cheering on the outside but thinking about other things on the inside. It's an interesting irony.

That sometimes, you can literally and completely forget something that's very important to you.

That sometimes, people don't like being on Double Secret Probation. But it's very easy to stay off of it here at The Diner. All you have to do is make a blog entry once a month.

The sometimes, passivity is a mode I fall into and don't see that I'm doing it.

That sometimes, when a discussion of worship music preferences takes place, I don't think I can add much to the discussion. This is because what I want and what's best for my church are two different things. I'll never get what I want. I'm okay with that.

That sometimes, most people have no idea the theological underpinnings and nuances that permeate every pastor's message. These matter a great deal, no matter how dynamic the speaker is. Even if the end result is more or less the same, how they got there and how they believe that fleshes out in the day to day at the end result of these underpinnings and nuances is terribly important.

That sometimes, all the people who get concerned about where an 18 year old is going to play college football need to spend more time doing something else.

That sometimes, people will pay $400 for a video game guitar when you can get an pretty good electric guitar and amp and cords for less. And with the time spent mastering the game they could actually be a guitar player--I mean, the Beatles made tons of money with catchy hooks and basic chord progressions.


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