Friday, February 29, 2008


So, it's "Leap Day." An extra day added to the calendar in order to make sure our calendar and the earth's orbit synchronize.

But when I become Grand Poobah of the World, I will add this to my platform (after bean bag chair option for airplanes, and flannel pant days): "Leap Day" will be sandwiched between Friday and Saturday. That week we will make the earth and our calendar synchronize, but we'll all get a three day weekend. We'll just call it "Leap Day," sandwich it right in there, and we'll all get a three day weekend.

Of course, another option I'd like to add would be "DeClutter." It's a two-week stint where we all clean out our closets and organize our files and take stuff from the attic to charity and update our address books...the whole bit. Every two years the entire world stops and we just get our lives organized. I think that'd be helpful.

So, when you become Grand Poobah of the World, what will you implement?


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