Monday, September 24, 2007

If I'm A Little Disheveled Today...'s because I'm pretty much exhausted.

Not in that "I-didn't-get-enough-sleep-because-I-watched-the-Cowboys-game-last-night" kind of way.

It's more like that "It's-been-a-very-long-year-and-I've-been-having-sinus-crud-not-sleeping-well-for-a-week-plus-I've-been-working-too-much-plus-I-need-some-vacation-time-because-I've-been-in-a-funk-for-two-weeks-now-but-I've-still-tons-to-do-this-week" kind of way.

So...if The Diner proprietor has the newspaper up in front of his face when you visit or spends an abnormal amount of time in the back room doing paperwork, it isn't because I don't care about you nice folks.

It's just that I'm a little crabby and I don't want to offend the patronage. Not majorly or overly crabby, mind you. Just enough to want to be left alone and just enough to know better than to say anything that I might regret later.

But, since I'm not majorly or overly crabby, I'll leave you all with one of those Chuck Klosterman discussion starters ya'll seem to like so much:

Assume everything about your musical tastes was reversed overnight. Everything you once loved, you now hate; everything you once hated, you now love. For example, if your favorite band has always been R.E.M., they will suddenly sound awful to you; they will become the band you dislike the most. By the same token, if you've never been remotely interested in the work of Yes and Jethro Tull, those two groups will instantly seem fascinating. If you generally dislike jazz today, you'll generally like jazz tomorrow. If you currently consider the first album by Veruca Salt to be slightly above average, you will abruptly find it to be slightly below average. Everything will become its opposite, but everything will remain in balance (and the rest of your personality will be unchanged). So--in all likelihood--you won't love music any less (or any more) than you do right now. There will still be artists you love and who make you happy; they will merely be all the artists you currently find unlistenable.

Now, I concede that this transformation would make you unhappy.

But explain why.

Have fun while I avoid contact with the human race as much as possible today.


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