Friday, June 08, 2007

My Aunt's House Blew Up


My aunt's house literally blew up...they think it was a gas leak thing. She was out of town on a vacation. My cousin Jody and his wife Cindy were in the house, but thankfully managed to get out with only minor injuries.

Here's a picture of the firefighters in Overton County, TN, doing their job. You can read about it here.

My Aunt Vicki is the oldest of my Mom's sisters. She's in her 70's...good health, too. Plenty of family around to take care of her and I'm sure the insurance folks will do their jobs. No real worries at this point on the "big picture" front.

And, since everyone is okay and all the important things have been focused on... can take a deep breath and start re-building.

You know that conversation starter game where you list those things you'd grab if your house was on fire? Yeah. They lost those things. Pets. Photos. Knick-knacks that meant something. Everything except the clothes they were wearing.

She starts all over.

And all I know to do is go through the old picture albums and dig out photos to send to her.

If you've got any other suggestions of things I personally can do from this distance, I'm all ears.


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