Friday, October 20, 2006

Changing What's Under The Glass

Today, I was going to unwind a little bit and change the pictures that are between the glass desktop and the glass. Some stuff will stay, like my picture of me and Mike Yaconelli. Other stuff will go, like the Rangers 2006 schedule. New seniors in; old seniors out, etc.

I also have a few things under there that "center" me. People I admire, like Michael Bridges and George Baum (of the band Lost and Found) and brides & grooms I love and old mission trip photos and programs from plays of teens and comics. Stuff like that.

Anyway, I was looking for a photo of Bono. I admire him, for the same reasons you do.

And I have an old Rolling Stone magazine that interviewed him. Here are a few quotes I was provoked by. Feel free to lemme know what you think:

Q: "Soon after starting the band you joined a Bible study group...What brought that on?"

A: I realize now, looking back, that it was just insatiable intellectual curiosity...But it got a little too intense as it always does; it became a bit of a holy huddle. And these people--who are full of inspirational teaching and great ideas--they pretended that our dress, the way we looked, didn't bother them. But very soon it appeared this was not the case.

Q: "How big an influence is the Bible on your songwriting? How much do you draw on it's imagery?"

A: It sustains me.

Q: "As a belief or as a literary thing?"

A: As a belief...I'm the sort of character who's got to have an anchor. I want to be around immoveable objects. I want to build my house on a rock, because even if the waters are not high around the house, I'm going to bring back a storm. I have that in me. So, it's sort of an underpinning for me.

I don't read it as a historical book. I don't read it as "Well, that's good advice." I let it speak to me in other ways. They call it the rhema. It's a hard word to translate from Greek, but it sort of means it changes in the moment you're in. It seems to do that for me.

Q: "You're saying it's a living thing?"

A: It's a plumb line for me.

I wonder what it would take to hang out with Bono for a day or two. Just have some coffee. Chat about spiritual stuff. I think I'd like him.


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