Saturday, July 08, 2006

Dog Days of Summer

Lloyd is a great dog.

We love him. He loves us. It works.

And Lloyd has his little routines. He and I take a morning constitutional together every day...usually around 5:15AM. If I sleep a bit later he growls or licks my face to wake me up and get started. I let him out the front door and I make the coffee. I pick up the paper, he comes in, he gets his treat. Sometimes he sits on the footrest of my chair while I blog and sometimes he goes back to bed. Generally, that's the only possible choice he makes.

Sure, they vary from time to time. Like summer, the girls sleep later and have different schedules than they do when school is in session...

...but by and large, he keeps his routines.

Well, if the last two days are any indication, he's a bit out of sorts.

See, the girls are vacationing in Alabama. Tracy and I have been going to work and such without them for the last week.

Now, Lloyd has been popping into their rooms to check it out and see if they're in them. They're not.

And I can't be for sure because Lloyd is a bit lazy, but I swear he's moping around here, missing them. I mean, I don't know if dogs "miss" their people or however you'd put it...but I think he's at least disheveled because his routines are goofed up.


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