Sunday, September 11, 2005

In Manhattan In My Mind

If I were in New York City today I would take the "1" Subway (or the "3" or the "9" for that matter) to Chambers Street.

I'd find the nearest bench at Battery Park.

I'd check my watch at 8:46AM.

I'd check it again at 9:03AM. I'm sure some bells would toll to remind me.

I'd be still and silent, and I read a list that contained 2,749 names.

I'd think of their families and loved ones. What they went through. What they're going through at those moments.

And I'd remind myself that any religous text that doesn't say, "Blessed are the peacemakers" and have "love" as the highest manifestation of it's inner realities, can be horribly vicious when taken to wretched extremes...(and let's be honest: any particular religious text can be taken to wretched extremes, too.)

And I'd hope that no one forgets the significance of this day.


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