Monday, September 05, 2005

Oh Blah Dee, O Blah Dah, Life Goes...RAH! La La La La Life Goes On

The people did it after the London bombings in WWII.

The people did in after 9/11 in Manhattan.

In the midst of ongoing chaos, they did their best to live in some semblance of normalcy. It's probably the best coping mechanism I know of.

Yesterday, in the New Orleans French Quarter, some folks swept up a couple of blocks. Cleaned up as best they could, anyway.

They drank warm beer. They handed out party beads. They had a parade...led by an acoustic guitar.

It was small and probably only had a few onlookers.
It was probably forced and hokey.
I'm sure more party beads hit the ground than landed in people's hands over that quarter mile.

Definitely a small and forced and hokey attempt at normalcy.

But it's a start nonetheless.

And, I was moved at the resiliency of the human spirit.


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