Friday, September 09, 2005

And, You Don't Even Have To Spend $60 At The Diner, Either

Last night I'm walking through the room and a commercial for the retail store The GAP comes on. It's a bunch of well respected and popular musicians who are saying the names of songs and the group that performed them. At the end, each artist is filmed one last time asking, "What's your favorite song?"

The fine folks at The GAP have got all these artists' favorite songs on a CD they're giving away to anyone who makes a $60 purchase at their store for a limited time.

So, what I'd like to do today is film our own commercial for our own CD. You gotta list your FAVORITE song, regardless of genre, style, etc. and the artist or group who performed it...Everybody has a favorite song (as opposed to having an opinion on some youth ministry quote, etc.) so we could easily have 100% reader comment participation in our little blog community...and you can save $60, too. What's not to like? I might even make a mix CD of it when we're done, too.

I get to start.

*My big face on the screen, hair down*
*black and white camera work*
*eyes shift to the right, then look directly at the camera*

"You Know You're Right" by Nirvana.

(camera cuts back to me about 15 seconds later)

*My big face on-screen again*
*black and white camera work*
*eyes shift to the left, then look directly at the camera*

So, what's your favorite song?


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