Monday, July 25, 2005

Come The Revolution...

We've never been big video gamers in my family. Girls and all.

Not to mention that I never really got into video games back in the day when you wen to an arcade, lined your quarters up on a machine, and waited your turn to get some Mario-guy to jump over barrels, fight a gorilla and save a princess. It didn't get girls like hitting the ball (not that I gained that knowledge from my middle-school experience, but rather I'd heard that girls dug ballplayers so I focused my energies that way). I wasn't that good at the video games anyway, so for me, the arcade was like a Las Vegas casino: I could blow through $10 bucks in about 10 minutes and then griped about not having any money. Lesson learned.

We never got into it in the early years of ministry, either. We had a basic Nintendo for a while, then traded it for a croquet got the teens who came over to interact outside instead of video gaming. Anyway, we missed the early Nintendo stuff, too.

Later, somebody gave us on old Nintendo 64 with a few games and we did pull it out on occasion when the girls had sleepovers or whatever. Mario Party was a big player. Tracy and I would make bets on Mario Kart (she was always Peach and I was always Toad) which she usually won.

But that was the extent of our involvement with video games. Too much expense and to me, the games seemed more about the graphics. I mean, when I watched kids play, it seemed more about randomly hitting buttons and then the guys on the screen would create all sorts of mayhem on the screen that seem LOOSELY based on what the players did with their controllers...but not much.

Making a long story boring, our girls have had a great summer. They've been on their best behavior, enjoyed each other's company, compliant around the house, reading a lot...they've just been good kids.

Tracy, being the excellent mom that she is, felt the desire to reward them with something they've been wanting...and the planets lined up: Finances are reasonable right now, sale on the video system they've been wanting, late summer time to kill, etc.

Enter Sony PlayStaion2. Yep. The words all run together on the box.

Anyway, enter Dance Dance Revolution Extreme. I don't know why "dance" is used twice. And is there any way that anything else can cause a revolution in the dance world after clogging? And, can any revolution actually NOT be extreme?

So, in my living room yesterday, there was dance.
And more dance.
It was revolutionary.
It was extreme.

But I can't really talk about that right now. It's my day off. Everyone is having a late summer sleep-in...Hey, I've been on my best behavior, enjoyed being good company, compliant around the house, read good books, been a good kid. The whole works. So, you'll have to excuse me. Me and my beloved Auburn Tigers have a date with destiny in the NCAA Football 2006 game.


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