Thursday, February 24, 2005

Staff Retreat, Gainesville, Texas.

Our church staff is taking our first ever staff & wives retreat this week. It’s only a couple of days, but we thought it’d be nice considering our staff has been together for pretty much 10 years now and all.

Anyway, we’re staying in a town north of Dallas about an hour called Gainesville, which, as best as I can discern, is mostly known for it’s correctional facility.

A few observations:

On way here we crossed a lake the Army Corps of Engineers developed and, from the looks of things, a dam was necessary. There was a store just on the other side of it called “The Dam Store.”

Another store advertised their deli…right above their pushing “live bait and tackle” on those who might want to fish near the dam. That store might need a new ad exec.

We passed through the town of Tioga. Gene Autry was born there. I know that because anywhere you might find the name “Tioga” you’d find something about Gene Autry’s hometown or birthplace. When I told Tracy that I thought Tioga’s Chamber of Commerce was getting a lot of mileage out of Gene Autry, she responded, “Brent, it’s Tiogo, Texas. What else have they got?”

On the way to the bed & breakfast we’re staying in, there was a farm with a sign out front telling the world the name of their estate: XTC Farm. My first thought was that if they had a crop of XTC they could make a fortune by having rave-culture teenagers “pick their own” by the hour or whatever. My second thought was that if you could grow ecstasy I’m not sure you’d need to grow XTC to make money.

On the drive into the bed and breakfast, there was a sign that said, “Please drive slowly. Our squirrels can’t tell one nut from another.”

Apparently bed and breakfasts are designed to look like a Cracker Barrel came in and threw up on them. At the bed and breakfast, there are no less than 5 birdhouses IN MY BATHROOM. There’s also an “emergency fire escape” ladder I’m supposed to hang out my window if there’s real trouble.

More observations later as we’re set with an agenda that will let us explore a couple of these small towns surrounding us this afternoon…


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