Thursday, February 17, 2005

Superior Antibodies

I have been blessed with good health pretty much my whole life. I mean, I missed three days in high school combined...and that was for surgery.

I never missed a day of work in 6 years with Youth for Christ...and I only missed 3 days with walking pneumonia two years ago.

What I'm saying is that I rarely get sick.

But from 2AM to 6AM yesterday, it was as if I was being observed by extraterrestrials who felt the need to see how much wretching one human could put up with. I wouldn't be at all surprised if, at any point, that scene where the alien pops out of Sigourney Weaver in "Alien" was recreated right there in my bedroom.

So, I cancelled a lunch, a coffee with a teen as well as my Bible study/movie night. A first in 9 years.

Since I'm so genetically superior, the only explanation is that I got exposed to E-coli, SARS, Mad Cow, botulism all at once and my antibodies broke it down into a 24-hour bug.

A gallon of Gatorade, a couple of bowls of soup and all sorts of strange pulled muscles in the abdominal area, and I'm back up to full speed this morning. It wouldn't bother me at all if I never had another night like last night.


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