Thursday, January 20, 2005

It's An Old Question...

Yesterday, I left my computer's AC adapter at home, so I only had enough battery juice to get through my morning work. My wife said she'd bring it by around lunchtime (and she even brought great is that?) and I had about half an hour to kill before she got there.

I always have loads of youth ministry type magazines laying around (for those of you who don't realize this, youth ministry has it's own professional journals as well as the ones that have games to play with your group), so I was browsing through some of them.

One of the more serious ones started out something like this:

"One time, a good friend of mine asked me that old question, 'If you won the lottery, what would you do with yourself?'

I responded, 'Well, I'd add a workspace onto my home and write that book I've been meaning to write.'

My friend responded, 'Then why aren't you doing that?'"

I either need to get new reading material or write those books. At this point, I'm beginning to think it's bordering on disobedience to God...but, if it makes all of you feel any better, I've got one outlined (yes, on paper) and researched, and I've got another outlined in my head...and there's another that's in the idea phase in my brain.

Why am I not doing that?

What a freaking annoying question in my head all freaking day and starting out this freaking morning.


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