Monday, November 15, 2004

What Do Women Need To Know About Men?

In the newspaper this morning there is a comedy troupe from the area that apparently have a comedy bit about what women need to know about men. A few of their "top ten":

1) We will listen to you when you tell us about your day if you'll just add some sex and violence to spice up your story.
3) When you ask us whether we noticed that beautiful woman we just walked by and we so no, the truth of the matter is that we noticed her three blocks before she got to us. We've trained our eyes to look straight ahead and keep talking while you're walking with us.
4) Yes, it will kill us if we don't get to watch the game.
7) Our best friend, whom you think is a disgusting pig, is the funniest person we've ever met.
8) When we're in public and say, "Hey, don't you have a blouse like that girl?" We're really checking her out and think you may have busted us.
9) We really do know when bulk trash day is. We just say we don't.

I've also heard a Seinfeld bit on this, and he had an insight regarding a response when a woman asks us what we're thinking, and we respond with "nothing," that's the real answer. Women need to know that we really are thinking nothing...we're just checking stuff out.

So, what else do women need to know about men...

or vice versa?


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