Thursday, November 18, 2004

Gearing Up For Powering Down

I have no idea if it is because I'm looking forward to my upcoming week and three quarters of vacation time, but I'm having trouble with motivation. Maybe it's because I've waited 18 months between breaks and just don't have the juice to hit the finish line strong. Maybe it's because I know that it takes twice as much work before you leave for vacation and you have to work twice as hard when you get back.

Most likely it's because I don't "rest" very well. It's a spiritual issue at the core...and I usually feel guilty for taking time off, or resting.

I'm guessing it's a combination of pride and failure to trust God's sovereignty.

No matter what the combination, I'll do my best to get work done before Sunday at 7:35PM (there's broom hockey for middle and high schools, a Saturday newbiew class and a full slate of teaching on Sunday)...and it's a ton to do, believe me.

And I'm working on the pride and sovereignty thing. Really.


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