Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Pushing 40 Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be

Day off yesterday:

Coffee with my daughters: check. And very enjoyable, too.
Yardwork: check.
Nap: check.
Frisbee Golf: cancelled due to nap & reading.
Softball game: check. We won 20-8. I got three hits in four at-bats (all singles), scored four runs and drove in three from the leadoff spot.

But here's the bummer: I'm scoring the 20th run for our team from third base. It's easy as I'm on third and it's a base hit. As I'm trotting to step on home plate, well, apparently there's some dew on the plate, making it slippery. My foot slips with all my weight on it and then the rubber cleats get full traction in the dirt. A pain went from my knee right into my brain.

Since I was pre-med...no wait...no...okay, I was a liberal arts major. But I knew some pre-med majors, and I've discipled a bunch of them, so that makes me pretty much an expert. Anyway, I've decided it's a sprain, and that a little ice for 48 hours and after that, heat, should be the perfect remedy.

I'm not going to the doctor. Doctors are for suckers.

I should be good to go next week for the game.


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