...that when your internet/server is down at work, productivity goes up.
...that my mom isn't doing so well with her chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
...that my oldest daughter is REALLY growing up fast.
...that officiating wedding rehearsals are both a hassle and a necessary and fun part of the celebration, especially when you're genuinely excited for the bride and groom.
...that the kids all came back from the mission trip late last night and it was really cool to see them a combination of excited and tired.
...that my missionary friends from Holland have been here almost a week and I haven't gotten to talk to them about anything substantial yet.
...that my youngest daughter is sleeping later and later these days, and this is both good and bad. Good for her rest, bad for our early mornings together.
...that a genuine baseball pennant race in your town is both blisteringly exciting and exruciatingly longsuffering at the same time.
...that I'm getting kinda excited about football season.
...that e-mail has reconnected my friends after the 20-year reunion. At the 10-year reunion, nobody really had e-mail. At high school graduation there wasn't even such a thing as the internet (except maybe in government and/or university circles).
...that it's interesting how a lot of former teenagers (now they're married grown-ups) all wound up in Austin at this point in their lives.
...that my friends Michael and Katie are so much further along spiritually and self-aware than Tracy and I were after two years of marriage.
...that I still need to clean my garage.
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